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CONGRATULATIONS from the Administration and staff of the S.U.Umarov PhTI of the NAST

by usto
CONGRATULATIONS from the Administration and staff of the S.U.Umarov PhTI of the NAST

The administration and staff of the S.U.Umarov PhTI of the NAST congratulates Zafari Umar, a young scientist of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Institute, with the successful defense of his dissertation on the topic “Electronic energy structure of nanocrystalline oxides doped with Mn4+ ion in the framework of the theory of functional density” for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in specialties 1.3.8. – “Physics of Condensed States”.

We remind you that the defense of the dissertation took place on November 25, 2022 at the Dissertation Council at the Tajik National University and the S.U.Umarov PhTI of the NAST.

Administration and team of the
S.U.Umarov PhTI of the NAST

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