The experience of the modern world has proved that one of the most important issues in the development of science is the training of highly qualified young personnel, who are the main organizers and main engines of a modern civilized society. In fact, there are many opportunities for large-scale and fundamental changes in the speed of development of domestic science, especially in the field of natural and exact sciences. This requires a correct and comprehensive organization of scientific processes and highly disciplined and talented young people. The issue of organizing of such processes can be resolved if the above conditions are met, that is, if competent and effective cooperation with prestigious world centers is organized and responsible and disciplined young researchers with deep scientific knowledge are trained.
At the S.U.Umarov Physical–Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, special attention is paid to the process of training international-level scientific personnel. The training of personnel in the field of physics and technology at the institute is carried out in compliance with high requirements, ranging from the consolidation of basic knowledge and skills to obtaining new scientific results, both in theoretical and practical terms. At the same time, exemplary discipline and participation in creative social activities are among the strict requirements that are important elements in the process of preparing not only an accomplished scientist, but also a full-fledged personality.
At present, the institute has established bilateral cooperation with a number of scientific centers of foreign countries for joint research. In this process, the main condition is the level of formation of young scientists, which is one of the key and decisive requirements of scientific centers. Since the main goal of international funds and scientific cooperation is to obtain competitive scientific results in the world market of high technologies. That is, each cooperation project will be financed by scientific foundations of foreign countries only if we can get really valuable scientific results. Achieving such a level of results is possible only with the participation of young people with high discipline, will and deep knowledge in the modern field (physics and technology, mathematics, modern programming technologies).
Currently, 2 young scientists of the institute are undergoing a 20-day internship on research, optimization and synthesis of nanocomposite elements of solar panels of a new generation in the laboratory of the Department of Basic Sciences and Engineering of Waseda University in Tokyo under the scientific guidance and support of the professor of this university T. Yamamoto.
It is known that Japan is a world leader in the development of nanotechnologies and the production of nanoindustry products. From this point of view, the study of the experience of scientists and specialists of this country has an invaluable practical and theoretical potential for the Tajik youth. Currently, the process of cooperation between the institute and this university is developing and expanding – on this basis, in April and May of this year, a two-month scientific internship for two more young scientists of the institute is planned.
Some moments of the process of scientific and practical work of the first-year applicant of the institute (Olimov A.) in the scientific laboratory of Waseda University in Tokyo