According to the resolution of the Presidium of NAST dated November 7, 2023, No. 144, the leadership of the institute is temporarily entrusted to

The candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, assistant professor
Tel. (mob.): (+992)935153003
Tel. (Office): (+99237) 2258084
1976-1980 – Department of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, specialty “Physics”.
Scientific activity:
1985-1988 – graduate student, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow.
– In 1989, the Higher Attestation Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers was awarded the scientific degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in the specialty 01-04-14 – “Thermophysics and Molecular Physics”.
– In 1993, the Higher Attestation Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers was awarded the academic title of senior research fellow.
– In the Physical -technical Institute named after S.U. Umarova for more than 30 years, Kholmurodov F. carried out research work on the thermophysical properties of substances. The scientific activity of F. Kholmurodov is devoted to the study of the thermophysical properties of mixtures of liquid crystals by the method of adiabatic calorimetry.
Teaching Activities
Kholmurodov F., along with research work, is teaching at NITU MISiS at the Department “Energy Efficient and Resource Saving Technologies”. Lectures on the subjects “Thermophysics” and “Thermotechnics”, practical and laboratory classes.
- Анисимов М.А.,Воронов В.П., Кульков А.О., Холмуродов Ф. Аномалия теплоемкости вблизи переходов между нематической и смектическими фазами и флуктуационная природа NAC точки. Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1985, 41, в.6.
- Anisimov M.A.,Voronov V.P., Kulkov A.O., Kholmurodov F. Precise adiabatic calorimetry in liquid cryst. near phase transition. 6-th liq. Cryst. conf. of socialist countries (Halle), 1985 B 31.
- Воронов В.П., Кульков А.О., Холмуродов Ф. Аномалия теплоемкости и природа NAC точки в смесях жидких кристаллов. Тезисы докл. 5-й Всесоюзный конф. г. Иваново, 1985.
- Anisimov M.A.,Voronov V.P., Kulkov A.O., Kholmurodov F. Adiabatic calorimetry in the vicinity of the nematic-smectic A – smectic C multicritical point. . de Phis. 1985. 46.
- Anisimov M.A.,Voronov V.P., Kulkov A.O., Kholmurodov F. High resolution adiabatic calorimetry near the NAC multicritical point. 11th Intern. conf. USA, Berkeley. 1986. T- 057 PH.
- Анисимов М.А.,Воронов В.П., Городецкий Е.Е., Поднек В.Э., Холмуродов Ф. Обнаружение эффекта Гальперина-Любенского Ма в жидких кристаллах. Письма в ЖТЭФ, 1987.
- Anisimov M.A.,Voronov V.P., Kulkov A.O., Kholmurodov F. High resolution adiabatic calorimetry measurements in the vicinity of the liguid crystal phase transition. Mol. crystals lig. crystals. 1987. 150 B.
- Воронов В.П., Холмуродов Ф. Экспериментальное наблюдение флуктуаций кристаллизации в изотропной фазе жидких кристаллов. ЖТЭФ, 1989. 95, В.4.
- Anisimov M.A.,Voronov V.P., Kholmurodov F. Experimental observation of the Lifshits line in the vicinity of the nematic-smectic C multicritical point by adiabatic calorimetry. 12th Intern. Lig. cryst. conf. W. Germany. 1989.
- The experimental evidence of the behavior of heat capacity in the vicinity of the de Gennes tricritical point. SELCC. Abstracts. Vilnius University. Lithuania. 1991. V 2, F. 15.
- Kholmurodov F. Behavior of the critical parameter of heat capacity in the line of nematic-smectic A phase transition . 14th Intern. Lig. cryst. conf. Pisa. Italy 1992
- Kholmurodov F. High – resolution adiabatic calorimetry in the liquid cryst mixture. Intern. Academic Publisher. Conf. Proceeding . China 1992.
- Kholmurodov F. Thermophysical properties near the smectic-isotropic liquid phase transition. 1st International scientific-practical conf. “Innovations in education: scientific. approaches, experience, problems, prospects ”, 05/12/2017. Branch Voronezh. State University, Borisoglebsk.
- For a series of works “Adiabatic calorimetry in liquid crystalline mixtures in the field of phase transitions” F. Kholmurodov became a laureate of the Diploma of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan among young scientists.
Scientific and educational publications over the past 5 years (2015-2019):
- Kholmurodov F. Thermophysical properties of a 6O6 NO2 liquid crystal mixture. Materials Int. scientific conf. Modern problems of physics. Dushanbe. 05.12.2014
- Kholmurodov F. Behavior of heat capacity on the line of liquid crystal phase transitions. Materials scientific. confer. “Actual. samples modern science”. 21-24. 04 2015. MISIS. Dushanbe.
- Kholmurodov F. Critical phenomena on the line of liquid crystal phase transitions. Materials rep. scientific confer. “Probl. Metallurgy Taj. and ways to solve them. ” 29-30. 04 2016. MISIS. Dushanbe.
- Kholmurodov F. Anomaly of heat capacity and genus of the NA transition. Materials Int. scientific conferences. Modern problems of physics. 04/14/2017 TSNU, Dushanbe.
- Kholmurodov F. Anomaly of heat capacity and genus of the NA transition. Materials Int. scientific conf. Modern problems of physics. 04/14/2017 TSNU, Dushanbe.
- Kholmurodov F. Thermophysical properties near the smectic-isotropic liquid phase transition. 1st International scientific-practical conf. “Innovations in education: scientific. approaches, experience, problems, prospects ”, 05/12/2017. Branch Voronezh. State University, Borisoglebsk.
- Kholmurodov F. The nature of pre-transitional phenomena in the isotropic phase of a nematic liquid crystal. Materials 6 int. conf. Modern problems of physics. June 28-30. 2018. Physico-Technical Institute named after S.U. Umarova, Dushanbe
- Kholmurodov F. Critical phenomena in liquid crystal phase transitions. Monograph.
- Kholmurodov F. Electrical Engineering and the Prevention of Fire in Electrical Devices. Study guide. Dushanbe. 2015. 326 pp.
- Kholmurodov F. Fundamentals of hydraulics and fire water supply. Tutorial. Dushanbe. 2017. 318 pp.
- Kholmurodov F. Devices of industrial and fire automation. Tutorial. Dushanbe. 2019. 362 pp.

Tel. (mob.): (+992) 918872991
Tel. (Office): (+99237) 2258102
1994-1999 – Tajik National University, specialty “Chemistry”.
Scientific activity:
2000 – 2004 – Senior laboratory assistant at the Acoustic Emission Laboratory of the S.U.Umarov PhTI of the AS RT
2004 – 2007 – Graduate student of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Since 2007 – Researcher at the Laboratory of Physical Acoustics of the S.U.Umarov PhTI of the AS RT.