Rahmonov Khaiyom Raufovich – Acting Scientific Secretary of the Institute
Tel. (cell): (+992) 938249292
Tel. (office): (+99237) 2258090
E-mail: khayom-tj@mail.ru
At the S.U.Umarov Physical–Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan will host an extended scientific seminar with the participation of scientists from the Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China
Баррасии масъалаи таъсиси лабораторияи инноватсионӣ бо намояндагони марказҳои илмӣ-техникӣ дар самти синтези нанокристаллҳои лавҳаҳои офтобии насли нав (2023 с.)
Ифтитоҳи Озмоишгоҳи муштараки ИФТ ва Донишгоҳи Ланчжоуи ҶХХ (6 июни соли 2023) / Открытие нового научного полигона ФТИ и Университета Ланчжоу КНР (6 июня 2023 г.) / Opening of a new scientific testing ground of the PhTI and Lanzhou University of China (June 6, 2023)
Rahmonov Khaiyom Raufovich – Acting Scientific Secretary of the Institute
Tel. (cell): (+992) 938249292
Tel. (office): (+99237) 2258090
E-mail: khayom-tj@mail.ru