It is known that modern science, in contrast to the science of previous centuries, is acquiring an increasingly social and collective character, when major scientific discoveries and the implementation of large-scale scientific projects are more likely to be carried out not by individual scientists, but by professional scientific teams – from scientific schools and laboratories to an extensive and coordinated an international network of scientists and specialists. This practice has developed in all scientific schools of the world, through international cooperation of both individual scientists and scientific communities, joint research projects, scientific events – international conferences, symposia, technical meetings, schools, etc. At the same time, one of the optimal ways of organizing the dynamic interaction of scientists and specialists of a particular scientific direction within a particular country or region is the activity of the corresponding scientific societies, for example, the society of physicists of a particular country. Currently, a number of physical societies are actively involved in research and development and organizational work in the world, including:
- German Physical Society (since 1845)
- Japanese Physical Society (since 1877)
- American Physical Society (since 1899)
- Chinese Physical Society (since 1932)
- European Physical Society (since 1968)
- Pakistan Physical Society (since 1987)
- Belarusian Physical Society (since 1991)
- Physics Society of Uzbekistan (since 1991)
- Kazakhstan Physical Society, etc.
Note also that in 1989 the Physical Society of the USSR was founded, a copy of the charter of which is still kept at the S.U. Umarov Physical–Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Further, in 1990, on the basis of this institute, the charter of the Tajik Physical Society was approved. But, due to the consequences of the collapse of the Union in 1991 and the difficult period of the 90s of the last century, the Tajik Physical Society temporarily suspended its official activities.
Today, thanks to the efforts and successful political strategies of our Leader of the Nation, respected Emomali Rahmon, we live in conditions of strong peace and tranquility, which are indispensable foundations for the revival of not only a comprehensively developed civil society, but also fundamental scientific research and new innovative technological solutions.
S.U. Umarov Physical–Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan has been working closely with the Physics Society of Uzbekistan since 2019. Note that the Physics Society of Uzbekistan regularly holds large-scale international scientific schools and conferences, where participate the dozens of prominent physicists from the USA, Europe, CIS, China, Japan, India, etc. In 2019, at the invitation of the chairman of the Physics Society of Uzbekistan, professor D. Matrasulov, employees of the institute participated in two international schools, each of which was held for one to two weeks. The complex effect of the activities of the Physics Society of Uzbekistan was obvious, since, firstly, direct discussion of scientific and organizational issues with representatives of large physics scientific schools and companies of the world in itself is of great practical importance for the development of cooperation. Secondly, within a few days, scientists and specialists working in world famous scientific schools and technology companies will have the opportunity to realistically and objectively see the potential of cooperation with our scientists and young specialists. That is, it promotes and has a positive impact on the organization of joint scientific and technical projects and the attraction of new innovative technologies in science, production, industry, etc.
Thus, studying the experience of countries, it was decided this year to discuss the issue of resuming the activities of the Tajik Physical Society on the basis of the S.U. Umarov PhTI of the NANT. To this end, the plans for scientific events in 2021 also included the holding of a Symposium of Physicists of Tajikistan on June 25-26 on the eve of a significant event – the Day of National Unity. Since in this event the central and organizational theme will be the question of the unity of the country’s physicists – the resumption of the official activity of the Tajik Physical Society. Our physicists working in research and educational institutions of the near and far abroad countries will also be invited to this symposium. Note that due to the restrictions associated with the global pandemic, an alternative option is also provided for the participation and performance of our foreign compatriots, scientists and specialists in the physical and technical field in the videoconference mode. We hope that by reviving the activities of the society of physicists of the country, in unity we will have much more opportunities to increase the competitiveness of domestic science, especially in the face of the challenges of the dynamics of the modern world, where scientific activity encompasses not only the processes of obtaining new fundamental knowledge, but also their practical application to ensure sustainable development of the country’s economy.
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